Monday, September 29, 2008

Jarrett has received his mission call. He is going to Des Moines Iowa! He leaves Nov. 19. Which so happens to be the week before Thanksgiving. JT left exactly the same time. He said that Thanksgiving in the MTC wasn't that bad. Good thing is that in two years he will be coming home right before Thanksgiving!! We are so excited!! I can not lie though I am a bit sorrowful knowing that he is my last, my baby boy. I will miss him intensely. A really cool thing though is that his mission President was my mom and dad's bishop and Jarrett has my Dad's name(his middle name is Eldon). I think my parents are watching. I miss them so, I wanted to call me mom all Saturday and tell her, this is the first mission call she has not been around for. So to quote a line from "Field of Dreams", which is in Iowa, "If you build it they(Jarrett) will come".

1 comment:

Jess said...

Awesome! Tell him congrats for me. I can't believe he leaves so soon!